St Lawrence Regional Gathering May 27-28. Online. No cost. The St Lawrence Region is comprised of Peterboough MM, Ottawa MM, Thousand Islands MM, Wooler MM and Montreal MM. Full details in this PDF. Friends General Conference Gathering July 2 – 9. Online. Cost involved. Canandian Yearly Meeting is one of the many North American Yearly… Continue reading Wider Quaker Gatherings
Category: Zoom Event
March Events for Peterborough MM
As well as our weekly hybrid meetings, we host events of entertaining and/or educational intent! March 6th: PMM Ministry and Counsel will be presenting a program on “Meeting for Worship” on that first Sunday after our Meeting for Worship. Participants are urge to read these three articles: “Silence and Speech..”and the link is here:… Continue reading March Events for Peterborough MM
Upcoming Wider Quaker Events (Feb 21 onward)
These are upcoming on-line events hosted by Canadian Yearly Meeting (CYM) and Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC). Hope as a Practice: Registration is now open for this 2-part spirit-led workshop series that is being offered by CYM Education & Outreach, and facilitated by Woodbrooke Quaker Learning on March 19 & April 2. More details, including how… Continue reading Upcoming Wider Quaker Events (Feb 21 onward)
Feb 5th News
The Zoom link for our hybrid meetings: Please come a few minutes early if possible, so that we can centre down by 11. Meeting will be followed by a sharing of afterthoughts and joys and sorrows that may have been on our hearts during Meeting, announcements. Schedule for Meetings for Worship Here are the… Continue reading Feb 5th News
PMM May News
Mark June 11-12 on your calendar for Regional Gathering. It’s online. The session on the Friday will be brief. We don’t yet have exact times for Saturday, but it may be most of the day. A program for children and youth is in the works (in breakaway rooms). Rumour says the theme will be about… Continue reading PMM May News
Indigenous Events Into the Summer
Thurs. May 6 7 – 9 pm Whose Hill Is It Anyway? Ask an Algonquin. Lynn Gelh, Veldon Coburn and Heather Majaury. This event is a chance for settlers to learn about Algonquin history and politics and the current land claims process in Ontario directly from Algonquin intellectuals and Algonquin political leaders. Register: May… Continue reading Indigenous Events Into the Summer
PMM April News
This month’s topics: Earthcare resources, letter concerning Uganda, listings of indigenous events , opportunity to discuss CYM’s future, getting to know Jane Orion Smith, Yonge St Half Yearly Meeting session
Friends General Conference 2021
Early registration for the FGC Gathering (June 27-July 3) is open from April 15 through 29. Various time spans available.