March Events for Peterborough MM

As well as our weekly hybrid meetings, we host events of entertaining and/or educational intent!

March 6th: PMM Ministry and Counsel will be presenting a program on “Meeting for Worship” on that first Sunday after our Meeting for Worship.  Participants are urge to read these three articles:

  1. “Silence and Speech..”and the link is here:
  2. Deborah Haight’s Meeting (a Sunderland P. Gardner lecture/pamphlet). She explores our usage of the word “meeting” as community grounded in spirit.
  3. Exploring group mysticism in Thomas Kelly’s The Gathered Meeting 

March 25th  at 7 pm: Part 2 of Thomas Kelly’s Testament of Devotion.  Text is shown on a shared Zoom screen and we take turns reading portions, with discussion following each portion.

April 1:  our second social evening!  More details and link to follow!