Upcoming Wider Quaker Events (Feb 21 onward)

These are upcoming on-line events hosted by Canadian Yearly Meeting (CYM) and Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC).

Hope as a Practice:  Registration is now open for this 2-part spirit-led workshop series that is being offered by CYM Education & Outreach, and facilitated by Woodbrooke Quaker Learning on March 19 & April 2. More details, including how to register can be found here: https://forms.gle/1rEngJTd2eHBA6639 

Your chance to have input on how Friends in Canada make our decisions: CAST: Friendly Exploration on the Administration of CYM – Who Decides What? Saturday 26 February at 1:30 PM Eastern via Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8671213216?pwd=VlRCRHhpSFFhRHllS2dBcHNnc1kvdz09

Your chance to meet Friends from all across the Americas, including Spanish-speaking Friends (translators keep busy). FWCC:  March 12  $35 Hope & Resilience: Drawing Strength from our Quaker Faith https://sites.google.com/fwccamericas.org/2022sectionmeeting/home

FWCC (Section of the Americas): March 19  3-4:30 pm Spirit-Led Climate Action Among Quakers: What’s Happening? Join Friends from the Midwest to learn more about how Quakers are taking action to mitigate climate change. We’ll hear from two Friends committed to this work who will be presenting, followed by worship sharing and discussion. https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ej0pfch7d8e805a7&oseq=&c=&ch=


Hayley Hathaway, Communication Director, Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW)

Paul Christiansen, Member of East Side Friends Meeting, Bellevue, WA, who travels in the ministry with a concern for climate change.